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Jung Sungyoon Solo Exhibition: Heart-Less
Around Star Wars - Episode 72015.03.05 ~ 2015.03.27Min ha Park | Jung Sungyoon | Rainer Neumeier | Tobias Lehner UNC GalleryArt is not kind to its audience. It does not flow in an instant and steals audience's emotional reaction like music does, or explains in a directly understood language like literature does. It simply stands still and waits until someone approaches. As we confront an artwork with s..
Ominous Eclipse of Jung Sungyoon Youngjun Lee The Force that causes solar eclipse is a cosmic scale way beyond human imagination. It's a level which human cannot intervene or manipulate. It is reckless for human to reproduce such appearance. In Jung Sungyoon's “Eclipse", Black sun and black moon splits and meets again by the action of machinery equipment. It looks very ominous because he dares to do something human can't. Refer..
Seoul Museum of Art Eclipse from pisac on Vimeo. Low Technology : Back to the Future2014. 12. 09 ~ 2015. 02. 01 Seoul Museum of Art
Low Technology : Back to the Future The Seoul Museum of Art is holding an exhibition titled to show the aspect of a recent art trend, focusing on the origin of movements or mechanical mechanism in the era where various advanced technologies are widely distributed and realized in our daily life in forms such as touch screens, Google Hangouts, 3D miniatures, and Internet of Things (IoT), a networking of humans and things to share in..
ECLIPSE Jung Sungyoon Solo Exhibition 2014.10.8(Wed)-11.5(Wed)MMMG ItaewonEclipse_ steel, motor, gears, FRP 900x230x40(cm)2piece 2014 When A Story Vanishes:On Eclipse by Jung Sung Yoon Park Sangmi An eclipse is a phenomenon where one celestial body hides the other as it enters the other’s shadow. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon (fully or partially) blocks the sun by passing in between the Sun and E..
Solo Exhibition ECLIPSE 2014.10.8(web)~11.5(web)MMMG Itaewon_ MMMG Hall본 전시는 서울시립미술관에서 시행 중인 의 선정작가 전시입니다.
Eclipse Eclipse (653) / steel, motor, gears, plastic / 1200x420x120(mm)/ 2014 의 발단은 천정이었다. 토마스의 입구 천정 가까운 곳에 움직이는 무언가 있었으면 좋겠다는 것이 나의 생각이었다. 정성윤 작가와 의논했다. 그의 전시에서 회전하는 기계 작업 "You"를 보았고, 무언가 돌아가는 것이 저기 높이 달리면 어떻겠느냐고 그에게 물었다. 조금 생각해보겠다는 답을 한 뒤, 정성윤은 의 아이디어를 갖고 나를 찾아왔다. 돌아가는 것으로 꼭 하늘에 돌고 있는 별을 생각한 것은 아니었는데, 그는 별들의 움직임을 형상화한 작업을 가져다준 것이다. 천문학적으로 이클립스는, 그중 개기 일식은 달이 태양과 지구 사이에 들어와 태양을 가리는 현상이다. 달이 태양을 가리면서 지..
Heavy Dot Machine: Eros of internal Park Sangmi The idea becomes a machine that makes the art. - Sol Lewitt It was Duchamp who brought in a machine to the contemporary art scene. In fact, his first ready-made was Bicycle Wheel. Duchamp may have not intended to make a ground breaking art when he placed one bicycle wheel on a kitchen stool. The bicycle with pedals and two wheels was first mass produced in 1..
YOU 2013.12.05 ~ 2013.12.19GALLERY CHOSUNMotor, gear, steel, stainless bar_470x165x40cm_2013